Friday 17 January 2014

Which Monster Species? - The Results

Over 200 children voted, from over ten different schools and almost twenty different classes. All of the species on the short list were brilliant, but which do children most want to write about?

The monster species that most children would like to see in the book is:

The Lumipoo Momp

Spiky and deadly, the lumipoo momp looks like a large duck with crazy purple feathers. It says ‘momp momp’ and charges at people, jabbing them with its spikes.

The main monster in our book will be the Lumipoo Momp. So we'll need to create many crazed duck characters - what fun!

However, two other species came so close, that I think we should include some of them too. Those are:

The Tig and The Tubster of Terror

The most misunderstood monsters of all time, tigs don't know how to deal with people making fun of them - their solution is to eat them. Tigs are very strong but afraid of zebras.

Created when a scientist injected a hamster with DNA from the monster Count Crocular, the animal mutated and turned into a mad, tentacle-armed Tubster of Terror.

This means that there will also be tigs and tubsters of terror in the book, but not as many as lumipoo momps.

Another however...

This week's task was to create a hero that could be any of the species on the list. This means that some of you created hero characters from species that haven't been selected. Don't worry - if you've written about a hero that's a good flabby gobble, a good treghorned crusher, a good snaggy boop or a fredanielawrobyus, it may still get into the book, if it's short listed and then picked.

If you really liked one of the species that wasn't picked, why not write your own story about it?

Here are some more ideas of things to do with spare monsters.

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