Friday 31 January 2014

Spookynal Island

Brilliant scene setting by Ahmad from Bridge School.

It was January 12th, 1997. Around me was nothing except snow and ice. Suddenly I heard a momp momp. This place I had found was a Spookynal Island. The sky was green and the ice a bright blue. I continued to walk. No-one was there. Then I spotted an ancient looking cave next to a red sea. It looked like the sea was made out of blood. It made me shiver. I felt brave so I went towards the cave. I was surprised to see so many people in the cave. “Why are you here?” I asked. One old man replied “because we might get eaten outside. Have you not seen strange looking ducks with spikes?” I looked around the cave and spotted the creatures they were talking about in paintings on the walls. The paintings terrified me and for the second time I shivered, maybe because of the snow or more likely I realised the red liquid in the sea may have come from humans. Humans like me.

By the time I'd finished reading, I was shivering all over.

Lumipoo momps, with their duck like appearance, often make me giggle but it's important to remember they they are also deeply sinister creatures.

Why I loved it?
- The tension builds slowly. There are lots of creepy clues (e.g. 'No-one was there) throughout the description.
- 'Shiver' is a powerful verb.
- I like the idea of creepy lumipoo paintings.
- It has a very powerful ending.

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