Saturday 18 January 2014

Smelly Socks, Squashy Squids and a Super-Duper Banana Bomb Maker

Today I've been reading hero characters from St Hardulph's School in Derby, Barford Primary School in Birmingham and another class at St Edward's School in Castle Donington.

Showing / Telling

'The sound of her screaming can be heard from Africa.' - Katie (St Hardulph's)

Katie has shown us how loud her hero is.

'She’s quite heavy so when she hits the ground with a bound it immediately cracks' - Anonymous (St Hardulph's)

Anonymous has shown us how heavy her hero is, as well as telling.


'She also fears smelly socks, even if she takes a whiff of them she will faint immediately.' - Sara, (Barford)

I can relate to that; I have a brother.

'She is able to help people with her mighty strength, although, because she is so stinky no one really wants her help!' - Ezzah from Barford School.

This is a very amusing weakness. I like it.


'He smells like blue mouldy cheese.' - Dylan (St Edwards)

'She smells like blue cheese and rotten fish.' - Harriet and Anna (St Hardulph's)

'My hero smells like an attractive skunk smothered in the gravy from under a trash can, along with huge, round, gooey bogies mixed in with pink worms and maggots from trash cans. Delicious right?' - Quacian (Barford)

This is a very imaginative smell. I've never seen an attractive skunk though. What does an attractive skunk look like?

Other Interesting Imagery

'Her favourite food is an alive slimy, slithery, squashy squid, with his tentacles moving like a wiggly worm and another of her favourite foods is roasted bug, she especially likes the red ones because slimy green goo oozes out of her manly mouth.' - Anonymous (St Hardulph's)

The paragraph above is very well written. It includes alliteration, the wonderful word 'ooze' and a brilliant simile about a wiggly worm. The write has even slipped in an adjective to describe her mouth - effective.


Luke and Jacob have invented an interesting weapon. I can imagine a tig having a weapon like this.

'Mechanical Max's special skills are that he can kick a football and then the football will open up in o a net which will catch the villains.' - Luke and Jacob (St Hardulph's)

'He is a super-duper banana bomb maker.' - James (St Edwards)

I really love the idea of a hero who makes banana bombs. It's a good example of an interesting, entraining weapon.

Read more about inventing interesting weapons.

An Idea

'He likes to eat words from books, he doesn’t exactly gobble it up in one whole, he licks the words out. It is very healthy for him to do that because it is full of vitamins. Hero-licious doesn’t only do that, he also eats dictionaries, but he doesn’t like to eat a thesaurus' - Quacian (Barford)

Mya has given me an idea. You know how lumipoo momps don't say anything besides 'momp'? What if a lumipoo momp could say a word after eating it? So, if it ate some litter, it might learn 'lemonade' and 'salt and vinegar'. But if it ate a dictionary, it would know how to talk.

Perhaps when you're creating your baddie characters, somebody might like to design a lumipoo momp that learns to speak by eating things with words on them?


'Oo aa rooooooor.' - Megan (St Edwards)

Great monster noise! If there isn't a word for it, sound it out.

Other comments

I really enjoyed Banana Girl by Katie (St Hardulph's). An amusing, fruity heroine. However, Banana Girl sounds most effective against Apple Man. I'm not sure how she's fair against tubsters of terror. I hope Katie will write her own super hero / baddie book about fruit people.

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