Thursday 9 January 2014

Meet The Lumipoo Momp

I’ve received so many super ideas this evening that I’m going to combine the best ones to create one ridiculous but terrifying monster. Most of these ideas have come from Manor School in Didcot and St Edward's Primary School in Castle Donington.

Enzo’s Glop Glop monsters can turn into a puddle, which can be useful to the monster. However, it means they can be easily sucked up a vacuum cleaner. Peter also suggested a shape-shifting monster.

Ellie-Jean wrote about a monster who can be harmed by a hairdryer. A hairdryer would be effective on a puddle, don’t you think?

Louise’s monster is a large duck covered in spikes. Most unlucky souls who meet him laugh at his ridiculous appearance but their laughter soon turns to terror. A duck-shaped monster would look very funny and tie in with the puddle idea.

Lucy and Jaide listed the monster weakness: getting kissed. It would be really funny if there was a fearsome monster that could be defeated by a simple kiss. Of course, you’d have to risk getting close to it …

I also like Louisa’s idea of a monster being afraid of its own reflection.

Bethany’s monster makes the sound ‘Momp momp’, which I think is a brilliant monster noise.

I love the hair that Josie describes: ‘crazy purple hair that sticks out in all directions.’

Victoria’s monster, the Bongey Bong ‘leaves a trail of purple slime, which glows in the dark.’

Josie’s monster ‘charges at people and jabs them many times with his spikes.’

So, if we put all those ideas together, we get:
The Lumipoo Momp

The lumipoo momp looks like a large duck covered in spikes. It has crazy purple feathers that stick out in all directions. Instead of ‘quack quack’, it says ‘momp momp’. It’s fair to say that the lumipoo momp looks and sounds ridiculous.

But if you see a lumipoo, don’t stand around pointing and laughing – it charges at people and jabs them many times with its spikes.

Like most ducks, the lumipoo loves water. However, it's afraid of its own reflection so prefers to swim with its eyes closed.

Catching a lumipoo is very tricky. Not only do they have sharp spikes but they can turn into puddles.

However, their poo is purple and glows in the dark, making them easy to follow. So if you see a puddle surrounded by purple slime, it's probably a lumipoo momp. A lumipoo momp in puddle form can be sucked up the vacuum cleaner or evaporated with a hair dryer.

A simple kiss can make a lumipoo duck fall asleep, instantly, but nobody  has ever tried to kiss one – why would you kiss a deadly, spiked duck?
The lumipoo momp will be one of the monster species you’ll get to choose from next week.

On another note, well done to George for creating this great description of his monster, King Pea of Evil.
The King Pea of evil can grow up to one metre tall. His skin is green and he is as round as a ball. He has got two curly horns on the top of his head that look like croissants. He has three red eyes, three eyebrows and razor sharp teeth. The King Pea has spiky claws on his hands and feet.

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