Tuesday 14 January 2014

More Votes Coming In - Here's What People Like

So far ninety-five children have voted for their favourite monster species. That's a lot of kids. And we have three more days until voting closes.

Who's in the lead? I'm still not telling you. What I can say, is that the leader keeps changing. So it's a close run competition.

Here are some more comments from children about their choices.

'I like the Lumipoo Momp because it has glow in the dark poo.'

'I chose the Tubster of Terror because I really like the idea of a tiny monster. It brings a new side to monsters!'

'I like the Snaggy Boop because it  is very stupid.'

'I chose the Tig because I like it when it says they pick there bums and they like to eat bullying children.'

'My vote is for The Flabby Gobble. The description used lots of similes and I could imagine it easily.'

'I like the Lumipoo Momp because it looks like a spiky duck and makes a funny noise - momp momp.'

'The Tubster of Terror has a really good description and people could make a really good story using the Tubster of Terror with all of its awesome features. I like the Tig because of how it likes to play football with the kids, and all of the kids bully him. He doesn't know how to deal with all of the bullying so he just eats them. The Lumipoo Momp is a really funny creature when I was reading about it, it made me laugh. So if someone wants to make quite a funny story I recommend the Lumipoo Momp.'

'The Tubster of Terror has a epic back story and cool description.'

'I like the Lumipoo Momp because it's an everyday animals which has been turned into a monster. It sounds really disgusting. '

'I picked the Lumipoo Momp because its very creative and I like the bit where it says he loves the water but is scared of his own reflection!'

'I like the part where the tig is scared of anything that is zebra coloured.'

'As a class we decided we liked The Snaggy Boop species because it sounded funny. We especially liked the fact they eat bogie cupcakes. They sound gross! We imagined all of the birds nesting in their ears too. This species was our favourite.'

'I chose the Snaggy Boop because it throws ketchup bombs.'

'I chose the Tubster of Terror because it was really gross, especially the snot-filled pies.'

'The Snaggy Boop was hilarious and disgusting. I like knowing that he comes from planet Zoggle.'

'The tig is mine and I was really proud of it'.

It's good to take pride in your writing. All the monsters are super and the people who wrote them and contributed ideas towards them should all feel very proud.

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