Wednesday 15 January 2014

Even more votes! (And some new comments)

After 127 votes, two monster species are almost neck and neck, with roughly 40 each. The next nearest species has 28. However, it could all change when the remaining schools cast their votes.

Here are some of the latest comments:

'I chose the flabby gobble because I like that his jelly brain comes out of his ears and chases people and he stinks like my brother George.'

'I think the lumipoo momp is an funny idea because it looks like a duck with spikes on it. Also it I like how it dissolves into a purple puddle!'

'I made my choice for the tubster of terror because he has a backstory that had a little twist and the description was good. The monster is cool because that he mutates into a big strong hamster.'

'I have voted for the tubster of terror because if that name was the title of a book I would want to read the blurb.'

'I like the flabby gobble because its brain comes out.'

'I chose the tig because it is funny when it said it smells like sweaty football boots.'

'I want the tig because it sounds great. It is a really cool monster. I like the way it makes a picture in my head.'

Keep those votes coming in.

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