Sunday 19 January 2014

Week 3 Task - Design Some Villains

It's time to create our baddies characters. What is the leader of the lumipoo momps like? What is the most dangerous lumipoo momp called? Who won the last Lumipoo Momps' Got Talent? Which lumipoo momp is best at the eyes-closed swimming race? We also need a few tubsters of terror and some bullies.

We already know that Tigs are friendly (albeit with an unfortunate tendency to eat the odd child) so we don't need any tig baddies.

This week you need to create one baddie character and describe him or her in up to 200 words.

Your baddies must be one of the following, please:
- One of the human children that bullies tigs
- An evil lumipoo momp
- An evil tubster of terror

Please don't create any new species.

If you choose a human child who bullies tigs, please use what you already know about humans to build your character.

If you choose a lumipoo I would like you to use the lumipoo momp species notes to build a character please.
Download Lumpioo Momp Species Notes

If you choose a tubster I would like you to use the tubster of terror species notes to build a character please.
Download Tubster of Terror Species Notes

For example, when I wrote about trolls, I first decided that all trolls would be smelly, greenish-tinged and horned. When I later designed characters, they were all smelly, greenish-tinged and horned but had individual qualities as well. For example I gave each one a different backstory, a different haircut and a different unique bad smell.

So if your villain is a lumipoo momp, it must be a spiky duck that can turn into a puddle, but you can choose your own characteristics to add to the information on the species sheets.

The children's illustrator, Katie W. Stewart, has sketched a typical member of each species, to help keep you on track. (Read all about the brilliant Katie.)

Here are some things to think about if your baddie is a lumipoo momp:
1. What's its name, age and gender?
2. What is its job or rank? (e.g. the leader of the species, a spy, the runt)
3. Where is its nest, what is it made from and what is it like inside?
4. What colour are its eyes and beak?
5. What accessories does it wear? (e.g. red cowboy hat; purple, silk scarf; pink polka-dot handbag)
6. What else distinguishes it (tells it apart) from other lumipoo momps?

Here are some things to think about if your baddie is a tubster of terror:
1. What's its name, age and gender?
2. Where does it live (e.g. in a pipe, in a shoebox, in a cash machine)
3. What colour is its fur? What colour are its tentacles?
4. We know that they smell bad, but what exactly does yours smell like?
5. What does it sound like? Can it talk? If so, does it have an accent?
6. What distinguishes it (tells it apart) from other tubsters of terror?

Here are some things to think about if your baddie is a bully:
1. What's its name, age and gender?
2. Why is he or she a bully? (e.g. parent is too busy to teach right from wrong, tiny brain, traumatised by an experience with a lumipoo momp)
3. What nasty things does he or she do? (e.g. call names, throw things, steal sandwiches)
4. What does he or she look like?
5. What does her or she smell like?
6. What does he or she sound like?

Don't forget what you've already learnt about backstories, showing/telling, similes and onomatopoeia.

Here are some tips to help you with this week's task:
A Game for Naming Monsters
Inventing Interesting Weapons
Using Alliteration

Please email your descriptions to

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