Monday 13 January 2014

The Votes are Coming In! But what are people saying?

Already, thirty eight people have voted for the monster species to go in our book.

Which is winning? I can't tell you that! Not yet, anyway.

But I will share some of the comments so far:

'I like the treghorned crusher because of the bit where it said his fur is tougher than gold.'

'I chose the snaggy boop because I thought that it was very funny and had a good personality and I enjoyed reading it!

'I picked the flabby gobble because I like the line these monsters brain are good for something.'

'The tig sounds fun but also has a twist to it.'

'I voted for the tubster of terror because it's mine and I think its very good. Not to say mine's the best but I really want it in the book.'

'I chose the lumipoo momp because I liked all of the description that they have used, and I like the line: It has crazy purple feathers that stick out in all directions!'

'I chose the tubster of terror because it has a backstory.'

'The tubster of terror is really scary. I hope nothing like that happens in England with that DNA.'

'I chose the flabby gobble because it has a lot of describing words and is very funny.'

'My favourite is the tig because I like the name and I like the part where it has 6 arms and can fly.'

'The lumipoo momp is very funny and disgusting at the same time and people kissing it? Yuck!'

'I chose the fredanielawrobyus because I like the description on how they smell e.g. they smell like a KFC bargain bucket made from skunks rolled in mouldy onions and cheese.'

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